Webinar Sponsorship Opportunity:

OnlineComplianceExperts.com is pleased to offer you additional marketing opportunities via a webinar sponsorship program. Sponsorship can deliver increased awareness, brand building and propensity to purchase in your target market. It's a low cost way to create visibility and traffic for your organization.


Why Sponsor a OnlineComplianceExperts.com webinar?

img Average 25 participants in a webinar
img 75 % Plan to share the presentation slides with colleagues
img 97 % of Past Attendees Plan to attend future OnlineComplianceExperts.com webinar
img Annually hosting 1000+ webinars
img 25000+ Subscribers
img 7 million Email Contacts
img Over 100,000 monthly unique visitors
img Over 300,000 monthly page views.
img 30000+ professionals Trained

Sponsorship Benefit:

  1. Company logo and link on the sponsored Webinar page
  2. Verbal acknowledgment of the Sponsor at start and conclusion of webinar by host
  3. Sponsor may give brief 1-2 minute welcome at beginning of webinar
  4. Sponsor logo on each slide of presentation
  5. Sponsor logo with link on OnlineComplianceExperts.com website Home Page
  6. Logo included in Recorded version of on-demand webinar
  7. Company logo with link on the registration confirmations sent out by OnlineComplianceExperts.com when someone registers for the webinar
  8. Sponsor can provide a 50-word message (to include contact information) to be included in the "Thank You" email sent to registered attendees after the webinar.
  9. Company logo, name, message and Web address on the opening and closing slides
  10. Company logo with link on all "bulk emails" promoting the webinar or two promotional blast email
  11. Sponsor mention and / or logo included in Social Media webinar promotion
  12. Post list of live webinar attendees that can be used for direct mail follow up or eblast (Contains only those individuals who allow their contact information to be shared.)
  13. Listing of all webinar registrants (name, title, company only; received two business days after the webinar)

Get In Touch for Rates and Availability:

If you are interested, just send an email to support@OnlineComplianceExperts.com or call +1-800-447-9407 and we will get back to you with the rates and availability. OnlineComplianceExperts.com staff will work with you to select the appropriate Webinar to sponsor.

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